It’s the weekend – why not try a few of these suggestions for finding ways to de-stress over the next few days. Maybe they won’t prevent a headache, but they may offer a twist on your usual routine….

1. Host a phone-free potluck. Ask your friends to each bring a dish, but leave the cellphones behind.
2. Get Moving. Lace up your sneaks, leash up your canine friend if you have one, and GO!
3. Get Lost in Your City. Check out an area of your city you’ve always wanted to see – but don’t bring a map along.
4. Write a Note of Gratitude to Your Best Friend
5. Take a Nap
6. Volunteer – It really can take your mind off your own stuff.
7. Play a Board Game
8. Legs Up the Wall – Technically it’s called Viparita Karani, and doing it for 5 minutes will help you feel stress evaporate.
9. Take a Page from Your Grandma’s Recipe Book
10. Try an art class – a great way to lose yourself!


Huffpost Health   7/26/13

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