Many “experts,” including psychologists, life coaches and self-improvement gurus believe a morning ritual can help people gain physical and creative energy, if they allow themselves a few minutes at the start of the day to do something that nourishes body and soul.

Martha Ross, a blogger for the San Jose Mercury News has some thoughts on the subject….

For Tony Wong, a morning ritual means 15 minutes of meditation followed by tai chi, which helps him become “centered.” It calms him down and helps him find an internal balance before heading off to his job as a tai chi instructor. Say Wong, “For some students, doing tai chi is almost like a cup of tea, to get their minds and bodies going.” “For older people it is a way to warm up their bodies.” “This kind of exercise becomes a habit.”

When she’s still lying in bed, Gladis Breton thanks God for “the new day with the opportunity to help and learn something new.”

Mary Dockter likes to sip coffee, read a book or work in her garden.

Christine Carter, a fellow at UC Berkeley’s Greater Science Center, puts her exercise clothes on a chair next to her bed so she will have less of an excuse to back out of her 6 a.m. workout. When life coach Kamla Sufi has stressful “monkey mind” thoughts racing in her head, she will pour them out , however scattered and grammatically incorrect – into a journal. She will even do it on a computer, so she can get them out of her head more quickly. It’s especially freeing if you then delete those entries. She adds that writing in your journal before bed will stop those thoughts from upsetting your sleep. Even if you wait till morning, you can still pour your thoughts into your journal.

And, Brother Camillus Chavez says people can get into a more relaxed meditative state by taking in and letting out 5 deep breaths, followed by a minute of chanting one word like “peace.”
March 16, 2015

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