What does work stress feel like for you? Is it a 100 pound chain bolting you to your chair? Is it a migraine that comes on because you haven’t had anything to eat? Or is it too much coffee that makes you feel jittery. Whatever it is, most people experience work-related stress from time to time.

Not that stress is all bad. It can help you to perform better, and work harder, but sometimes too much “good” stress can be overwhelming.

Here are a few ideas that might help you find focus, calmness and maybe even some happiness during the toughest moments of the day…..

*    Switch tasks.  David Reiss, a psychiatrist based in San Diego says, “If you have the flexibility to do something else, get into a task that’s going to take your attention away from whatever is frustrating you.” Put it aside for awhile and go back to it later.

*    Help out.  Try doing something that might ease group frustrations. Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project suggests lending a co-worker a hand can make you feel good, and can take you away from your own personal stress for a little while.

*    Meditate.  Try this technique called Instachill, that can be done anywhere. Victor Davich, author of 8 Minute Meditation: Quiet Your Mind, Change Your Life developed this technique: First, close your eyes and take a deep breath in, and then sigh it out. Now relax, breathing naturally, and “get in touch with your body” as Davich puts it. Locate where in your body you feel stressed – maybe your shoulders, back or neck. Focus on this spot, while allowing those muscles to move naturally. When another thought drifts into your head, gently return your focus to the stress spot, and stay there. After a few minutes, slowly open your eyes and note how you feel. Hopefully, you’re feeling less frazzled. And, the office is still standing!

*    Move.  Walk (or run) up and down the stairs, or go for a 10 minute walk – preferably outside. Rubin says, “Moving around will boost your energy, but being in the sunlight will help even more.” Even on cloudy days there’s more light outside than inside. “That in itself gives you a lift and helps your focus and mood.”

*   Get some perspective.   Reiss suggests recognizing boundaries. Co-workers are not your family members and when you leave the workplace each day, you should leave your work too. He suggests focusing on the non-work aspects of your life, such as relationships and hobbies, which can help you gain some perspective. And, he says, “If it’s really miserable, look for something else, but realize that this is your workplace, not your whole life…….   huffposthealth2/24/14


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