A study looked at women ages 35 to 49, and found that those women with vitamin D levels above 20 were 32% less likely to have had uterine fibroids, versus those with lower D levels. Also, women who had at least one hour a day of sun exposure were 40% less likely to have had fibroids than women receiving less sun exposure. The risk of fibroids appeared to decrease as vitamin D levels approached 35. One explanation for these findings are laboratory studies that show vitamin D in its active form inhibits the overproduction of tissue by uterine muscle cells – the cause of fibroids. Fibroids are the leading reason for hysterectomy in the U.S.

What’s the best way to get your D? Sunshine, as well as fortified food or supplements can boost your levels. How much you need depends on age, sex and health issues you may have. While its important to get enough D, you don’t want to overdo it either. You may want to consider getting your blood level checked by your doctor to determine where you are at, and where you need to go with your vitamin D levels…..        Consumerlab.com     4/21/13


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